Children’s Guild 640 480 Vasant Nayak Vasant Nayak its founding in 1953, The Children’s Guild has been a trailblazing innovator, providing services for children and adolescents with emotional, behavioral and mental disorders. It has evolved from a one-room preschool to serving thousands of children and their families, through special education and charter schools, school-based mental health services, treatment foster care, group care, and training and consultation. The Children’s Guild’s tradition of leadership and excellence in special education and care of behavior-disordered students continues today.
The Children’s Guild is guided by Transformation Education, or TranZed, an organizational philosophy and operation system for child-serving organizations. TranZed helps The Children’s Guild craft a flexible, brain-compatible organizational culture that emphasizes the values, skills and beliefs necessary for a successful life. TranZed is the trademark for Transformation Education, an organizational philosophy and operational methodology for managing schools and child-serving organizations. TranZed recognizes that a key problem with many child-serving organizations and schools is adult-centered rather than child-centered thinking. The adult-centeredness expresses itself through placing the needs of bureaucracy, the organization, and employees ahead of the needs of children and youth. Managing a child-serving organization or school by utilizing the TranZed approach creates child-centeredness by establishing an organizational culture that focuses the adults’ mindset and behavior on serving the needs of the children and youth in their care. The MurthyNAYAK Foundation applauds the efforts of the Children’s Guild to support special-needs children and their families, and partners with them to make a difference.